Ride Along Series
CourseThe Ride Along Series of tools are unique in that they provide you with an environment that will enhance your opportunities.
Mindset of a player
CourseYou do not need to be a PimP to want to have multiple girlfriends. You only need to know how to do it. You need the mindset of a real Player.
Challenge yourself
CourseI know most of you are not looking to become PimPs. Some of these new tools use the words, PimP and Ho. The only thing you need to do is substitute the words, man and woman and you'll receive the same understanding.
Get your mental attitude together
Courseyou gotta know why you want this change. Simply wanting it is not enough. These tools help you get the correct mentality about what you're learning.
Different approaches
CourseMaintaining control of your environment is a constant effort. You need to analyze what you think and why. Everything you think should be filtered through your thoughts on this Abba Dabba.
SWU - GoGettaz